Wednesday, June 29, 2005

a lil' bit about me

its been 2 decades... since i've come to this beautiful world... twenty years passed and i feel like life has just begun.... i still remember the day i went to kindergarten for the first time... i've studied in many schools in many places... i dont remember all the names... but i do remember faces of my friends and how it felt like when u had to leave them and go to another place.... but then.. i always liked travelling and going to new places and making new friends... some of the places i really liked was Wayand.... a cool hill-station, Calcutta...... though i dont like fast cities very much... calcutta gave me a lot of new experiences and memories.... now i am happy to be home in kerala, my house in a calm village... with the greenary around and soft chirping of birds and.... love to see the rain come down sitting in my balcony, listening to soft music.... but life has just begun and right now i've no idea where its gonna take me..

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